Everyone is an Astronaut

And we didn’t even have to leave home to earn that title.

When you think about what we are, where we reside, and a slightly bigger picture of physical fabric of time and space. We are now at a point of trying to jump from our spherical boat in the universal oceans to another spherical boat that we can only hope our guess work and theoretical musings are anywhere near correct enough to support our missions to increase resource banks and dominate something, anything, because well, those jobs are taken on Earth.

If so, we may be able to traverse the vast fluid layers of particle waves and manage to lower our fragile vehicles onto a new world, and hope gravity is kind. Also, all the supply ships with building materials, machines, fuel supply, food, inflatable habitat starter kits, and solar, methane, carbon, generators to power vehicles, factories, labs, garden centers, water collection/purification, waste management, communication gear, etc. you know we are gonna need our creature comforts in style. Scary stuff.

A chain of command, weapons, designated assignments, just like home. Also scary stuff.

I personally have been obsessed since childhood with astronomy, physics, nature, possible off world relatives of the carbon-based kind. My father was an engineer and early computer operator in the thick of military high tech of the day, like punch cards and spy planes. We were constantly travelling around the country, so my roots are in my head, again scary stuff for young and old travelers.

Over time and experiences, it has not been lost on me, that we are not yet doing all the right things to sustain our current spherical craft (earth) to have the discipline and understanding we need to be successful on other innocent orbs after all our species variants have been here for millions of years which I suppose counts for something toward hopes of stewardship and acceptance into the larger carbon-based ponds of distant suns, but, given our current mindset… well I hope you can agree we are not the most well adjusted conquerors especially if we are planning on making a good impression on whom ever may be waiting for the little Amber Men from a much more evolved progenitor race from distant stars. More zen mindsets should be cultivated incoming pioneers, along with a conviction to do no harm.

It could be a complete “there goes the neighborhood” moment with angry Indigenous responses, which begs the question, “will we have enough fuel and supplies to continue heading west or will we be snacks for what ever roams the open plains.

Should we maybe say something to those in charge here to rethink our goals and plug the leaks on our wave rider, repair the sails and recalculate our intent, before we go out there and embarrass ourselves. If so, who among them would even listen.

Okay, randomness restrained. Be well, safe, and enjoy our collective electron chaos. Peace

Sonic Pharms herbs and tonics




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