Tag Archives: metal

Sunforest-Waterwahl’s first album, released in 1984…forty years on

Diamond Head: Dialog with the Moon

Album numero uno from Sunforest-Waterwahl and one of the earliest **New Age albums, recorded in 1984, in Hawaii, 15th floor apt. using a Korg and small Moog into a Marantz two channel tape deck. a little pakalolo and magical views of Diamond Head and the full moon just next to it, and the ocean. The album was well received by new agers and played as far away as Tibet while hikers enjoyed the magic of that part of the world. was sold at Tower Records Honolulu along with Lift-Off.
The production team in LA doing a Michael Jackson documentary told me they used this music as a reference for their background music. Of course they did not make sure I got credit lol

Earlier the same day I recorded this album I was on the lanai, I saw something in the distance flying toward the building. It grew closer and for at least a minute I was convinced I am looking at a Tetradactyl coming straight for me, turns out it was a big dark Frigate bird.

Anyhow this recording is being remastered from cassette to digital. 84 minutes will need to be divided into more manageable sound documents sizes. So currently I have posted the Intro https://soundcloud.com/fenderman-1/dhdwtm-intro1?in=fenderman-1/sets/diamond-head-dialog-with-the

** Musicologists cite Tony Scott’s Music for Zen Meditation (1964) as the first new age album.

keywords: Electronic Ambient Drone Instrumemtal New Age (these keywords don’t lead to my pages)

Release date:16 June 1984

Re-release date: sometime in 2024

I find myself pleased with the fairly wide range of music styles my muses provide. Looking forward to more time spent listening to the wisdom of the universe on my transistor radio I built myself from a Heath Kit project, same one I heard the first local airplay of Beatles and Dylan.

SFW logo, on a colorful background composite, chosen from a drawing I did in ’63